Fire Danger is something that we are accustomed to living up here in the mountains, where the wind can take a hint of a spark and turn it into a big fire and fast.
Our goal is to provide you with an easy to understand graph to let you know where we are on the “Fire Danger Level” and this page is to help folks understand what those different levels actually mean.
Low (green) – Fires are unlikely to start. Any fires that do start will spread slowly and are usually easy to control
Moderate (blue) – Fires can start from most accidental causes, but the number of fire starts is usually low. Fires in open grasslands will burn briskly and spread rapidly on windy days.
High (yellow) – Fires can start easily from most causes and small fuels will ignite readily. Fires spread rapidly and short distance spotting is common.
Very High (orange) – Fires will start easily from most causes.
Extreme (red) – Fires of all types start quickly and burn intensely.
The Yarnell Fire Department will have alerts on this website (in the upper left of the page) as to our current Fire Danger Level. This icon will change as necessary. Changes will be posted on this website, on the Yarnell Fire District Facebook page and throughout town.
If you are unsure of our current Fire Danger Level and are concerned about burning, please reach out to us at (928) 427-6578.